Can You Hurt A Dog By Pulling Its Collar? Be Careful

can you hurt a dog by pulling its collar

Dogs are known to be man’s best friend and for good reason! They are loyal and loving, and and provide great companionship. A dog collar is a common accessory for any dog owner. It is an essential tool used to ensure that the dog is under control and for identification purposes. 

It is also a great way to show off your dog’s personality with a variety of different colors and designs. However, there is a concern among dog owners about whether or not they can hurt their furry friends by pulling its collar.

The potential harm caused by pulling on a pup’s collar includes physical injuries, such as neck strain or damage to the trachea, as well as psychological trauma, such as anxiety and fear. In some cases, the injuries can be severe and may require veterinary attention.

So the question remains: Can you hurt a dog by pulling its collar? In this blog post, we’ll explore this topic in-depth and provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about pulling the collar on your furry friend.

Can you hurt a dog by pulling its collar?

Firstly, it is important to understand that collars and prongs are used for different purposes. Some collars are used for identification, while we used others for control, dog training tool, and handling. It is vital to choose the right collar for your dog’s needs, as some collars may be more harmful than helpful.

Now, when it comes to pulling a prong collar, it may hurt your dog in a few ways. First, pull on the lead too hard and too often can lead to physical injuries such as neck strain, whiplash, or even tracheal collapse.

 This can cause discomfort, pain, and difficulty breathing for your furry friend. Secondly, continuous pulling on the dog harness can cause psychological harm to the dog, leading to anxiety and fear.

As a dog owner, it is essential to avoid pulling your pet’s flat collar too hard or too often. Instead, use positive reinforcement techniques to train your dog to walk on a leash without pulling. 

These techniques include rewarding your dog with treats or verbal praise when they walk correctly and gently redirecting them when they pull.

It is also crucial to ensure your choke collar fits correctly. A collar that is too tight can cause discomfort to dog’s throat, while a loose leash can slip off or cause your dog to choke. It is recommended to measure your dog’s neck and choose a collar that fits snugly but not too tightly.

What happens to the dog’s neck when the dog collar is pulled?

To understand the potential damage that a leash can cause pulling, we must first understand the mechanics of the collar itself. A collar consists of a strap or chain that is wrapped around the pup’s neck with a buckle or clip. When pressure is applied to the collar by pulling, it causes the collar to constrict around the neck.

When the collar is pulled, it causes pressure on the neck. The amount of pressure depends on the force applied, the size of the dog, and the type of collar used. In extreme cases, the collar can cause the trachea to collapse or damage the spinal cord.

Potential damage that can be caused by pulling a Dog Harness:

If the collar is too tight, it can cause the dog to experience discomfort or pain. This can lead to various health problems, including:

  1. Choking: When the collar is pulled too tight, it can cause the dog to choke. This can be dangerous if the dog is left unsupervised or if the choking persists for an extended period.
  2. Breathing problems: The pressure on the pet’s neck can make it difficult for them to breathe, leading to respiratory problems.
  3. Neck injuries: The force applied to the neck can cause neck injuries such as muscle strains, dislocations, or even fractures.

Signs of injury caused by pulling a dog’s collar and Leash:

A dog can experience several signs of injury when its collar is pulled. Owners can observe immediate or delayed signs when they pull a dog’s collar, such as:

  1. Immediate signs of injury: If the dog is choking, a dog may show signs of coughing or gagging. They may also paw at their neck or attempt to remove the collar themselves.
  2. Delayed signs of injury: Delayed signs of injury may not be apparent until several days or even weeks after the incident. These can include lethargy, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, and a change in behavior or personality.

Ways to prevent neck injuries when using a collar on a dog:

Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent injury when using a collar on a dog. Here are a few tips:

  1. Proper fitting of the collar: The collar should be fitted snugly but not too tight. You should be able to fit two fingers between the collar and the dog breeds neck.
  2. Use of appropriate collar type: Different collars are designed for different purposes. It’s important to choose the appropriate collar type based on your dog’s size, breed, and behavior.
  3. Appropriate use of collar: Collars and harnesses should only be used for control and identification purposes. They should not be used as a form of punishment or correction.
  4. Alternatives to collars: There are several alternatives to collars, such as use a harness instead or head collars and shock collars, that can be used to control your dog without putting pressure on its neck.


In conclusion, pulling a dog’s collar can hurt them physically and psychologically. As a responsible dog owner, it is crucial to choose the right collar for your dog’s needs, ensure it fits correctly, and avoid pulling it too hard or too often. Remember to use positive reinforcement techniques when training your dog, and always prioritize their safety and well-being.

Pulling on the collar can put pressure on the neck, which can cause pain or even injury. The risk of harm is especially high if the dog is pulling against the collar, which can result in an increase in pressure on the neck.

Always make sure to choose the appropriate collar type, properly fit the collar, and use the collar appropriately. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your dog remains safe and healthy while wearing a collar.


Is it OK to grab a dog by the collar?

It is generally okay to grab a dog by the collar, but it should be done with care and caution to avoid causing harm or discomfort to the dog.

Can dogs hurt themselves by pulling on collars?

Yes, dogs can hurt themselves by pulling on their collar. Pulling too hard or too often can cause physical injuries such as neck strain, whiplash, or tracheal collapse, and can also lead to psychological harm such as anxiety and fear.

Can you break a dog’s neck by pulling on the leash?

Yes, it is possible to break a neck by the dog pulling on the leash too hard and too often. This can cause physical injuries and lead to discomfort, pain, and difficulty breathing for your furry friend.

 Can Dog Collars Cause Neck Injuries?

Yes, dog collars can cause neck injuries if they are too tight or if there is excessive pulling on the leash. It is important to choose the right collar for your dog and ensure it fits properly to prevent injury.

How Can I Help My Dog To Stop Pulling On The Leash?

To help your dog stop pulling on the leash, try using positive reinforcement techniques such as rewarding good behavior, using a front-clip harness or head collar, and practicing leash training exercises regularly. Consistency and patience are key in training your furry friend to walk calmly on a leash.

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